Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Baby pics

Mama and babies are home and doing well. We are all impressed that Preston has not attempted to destroy either of the babies yet. In fact, He actually is quite gentle and seem to really enjoy helping out. Thayne, Raiden and Quinton all are quite indispensable.
We have had no shortage of help at the house. It seems that every one wants an excuse to see the babies and are more than willing to volunteer their time to do so. Last night we officially ran out of fridge and freezer space do to all of the meals being brought, including 3 turkeys, 2 pumpkin pies 3 pots of soup 2 lasagnas and at least 300 pound of cookies and such. We are considering opening a foodbank.

Any how... here are some baby pics to enjoy.

The baby blessings will not be until Febuary so any one that has the urge to expirence NW Iowa at its prime we would love to have you!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Official stats on the babies:

Ammon 7:49am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5"

Davin 7:48am, 6lb 11oz, 19.5"

Ammon is on the left Davin on the right

Happy Birthday!

Davin Cleo Smith was born at 7:42 weighing 6.9lb 20.5 inches.

Ammon Wayne Smith was born at 7:43 weighing 7.11lb 21inches.

Both babies and mama are doing very well.

I am getting good pics and will post them this afternoon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I think that Jess was about to perform a self C-section last night. We will be going in to the hospital at 6:00 Thursday morning. Otherwise all is well and our boys are making sure that every person they come into contact with understands that they are having twin brothers this week.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quick update

We are still alive and the babies are due any day now. Jess is currently plagued with the third urinary tract infection of her pregnancy. Once that is cleared up the doc will see her, and if all is well, go ahead with the c-section. Otherwise, she is scheduled to go in on Thursday the 20th. I am at the college now but will post "big bellie pictures" as soon as i can.